Translation requests (asking for help with your own translation is fine except for tests and exams).Asking "How do I learn Japanese?" or "What should I learn next?" and other duplicate enquiries without reading the wiki pages.The following will result in post removal: Trolling, immature, or hostile behavior will result in a warning or ban. No requests for or links to copyrighted content. Remember that answers you receive are never guaranteed to be 100% correct. Do not guess or attempt to answer questions beyond your own knowledge. Use furigana if you think they won't understand your kanji usage. Consider the OP's skill level when answering a question. State your question clearly in your post title. Not doing so falls under 'Low effort' (see rule 6). Check to see if your question has been addressed before posting by searching or reading the wiki. If you are new to learning Japanese, read the Starter's Guide. Welcome to /r/LearnJapanese, the hub on Reddit for learners of the Japanese Language. Interested in moving to japan? Head over and make a post at /r/movingtojapan. Grammatical explanation: explain the structure, usage of grammar patterns included in the lesson, including the accompanying examples, very detailed and easy to understand.New to Japanese? New to the sub? Read the Wiki!.Words and reference information: Reference information and vocabulary are not mentioned but are related to the content and topic of the lesson.Translation: Translating the bunkei, reibun and kaiwa sections in the main book into Vietnamese.Vocabulary: List new words related to the lesson and the topic of the lesson.問題 (Mondai) – Problem: Listening and writing exercises, using grammar patterns included in the lesson.練習 C (renshuuC) – Practice C: Conversation exercises using the sentence patterns learned in the lesson.練習 B (renshuu B) – Practice B: Simple exercises that apply the grammar structure learned in the lesson.練習 A (renshuu A) – Practice A: Summary of grammatical structures in the lesson.会話 (kaiwa) – Conversation: The main conversation situation in the lesson (used in the “conversation” section of the translation book).

例文 (reibun) – Example: Sample dialogs use the grammar structure in the lesson (translated in “Example” in the translation book).文 型 (bunkei) – Sample sentence: Sample sentences use a grammatical structure in the lesson (translated in the “sentence form” in the translation book).Yasashii Sakubun How to use Minna no Nihongo 1.